Examples for "maternal aunt"
Examples for "maternal aunt"
1Three of the family's other children are living with a maternal aunt.
2Mrs. Hatton was his maternal aunt, sister of the last Viscount Hatton.-C.
3He has two maternal uncles and one maternal aunt with mental retardation.
4Dayaram's maternal aunt played matchmaker when it came time for him to marry.
5Similar phenotypes were present in a maternal aunt and uncle.
1A sister of mother insane, suffered from delusions of persecution; died of softening of the brain, so-called, in 1904, in Gabersee Asylum, Bavaria.
2The sister of mother-of-three Natalia Karaczyn has told a jury how she told her brother-in-law "we forgive you" after he admitted killing her.
3You will remember that Brookside Farm was the name of Aunt Polly's home, Aunt Polly being the older sister of Mother Blossom.
1There was another cousin, it appeared, the son of her mother's sister.
2It is my cousin, Philip Fletcher, son of my mother's sister Lucie.
3My uncle was a German, having married my mother's sister, an Englishwoman.
4He's nae uncle o' yours, onygate, though he married your mother's sister.
5My dear mother's sister left it to me in her will.
6She was my mother's sister though she is almost as young as I.
7It was from Aunt Grace, Hinpoha's mother's sister, out in California.
8After the fire, he was taken in by his mother's sister, Aunt Rebecca.
9Her mother's sister died in the concentration camps& only her wedding ring remains.
10A son of his mother's sister, this man, then, was his own cousin.
11But are you really and truly sure that she is my mother's sister?
12I had intended going to London to my mother's sister.
13With him was their mother's sister, Aunt Jennie, with her husband and little boy.
14These were the children of Joseph F. and Agnes Fitzgerald Gargan, my mother's sister.
15Then, besides, I have a little that an aunt, my mother's sister, left me.
16They took my pa, Mark, and other servants, my mother's sister, Americus and Barbary.
Translations for mother's sister